Stopping the Spin at Malfreemaps
The spins of Anthony Yong stops here
Do you think its okay for mappers to make money on the side?
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Nothing wrong with Antyong making money
Hi from Fletcher Reede
Fact 12: Anthony Yong earns RM5,000 a month at M3Tech
Help 5: Translation of website content to Mandarin
Putar Belit 1: Peta Malsingmaps yang dihasilkan ol...
Malsingmaps makes her stand loud and clear
Fact 11: Malsingmaps and Malfreemaps could coexist...
Anthony Yong makes money even if Malsingmaps is pr...
Stats: The first 24 hours
Fact 10: The Admins at Malfreemaps encourage mat r...
Help 4: Translation of website content to Bahasa M...
Help 3: censored the truth
Fact 9: Using an unauthorized Garmin map will void...
Spin 11: Anthony Yong earns no commission from sal...
Fact 8: Anthony Yong is a shareholder of M3Tech
Fact 7: Sequence of Events that lead to the breaku...
Spin 10: Anthony Yong drew KLR
Fact 6: There are more hooligans in Malfreemaps th...
Fact 5: The future of mapping is with the Garmin N...
Fact 4: Anthony is a hypocrite
Help 2: How much is Anthony's consultant fee at m3...
Help 1: You can help too
Fact 3: Stopping the spin at Malfreemaps
Fact 2: Malsingmaps mappers have never been given ...
Spin 9: Malfreemaps data is not for sale
Theory 4: Malfreemaps donations goes to a Hosting ...
Theory 3: Why Sunn and Dinamix (OngCC) followed An...
Spin 8: Malsingmaps chased the KL, PRK, NPM and EP...
Spin 7: Malsingmaps forces users to contribute by ...
Fact 1: Anthony Yong works for m3tech and went to ...
Theory 2: Moles in Masmap?
Theory 1: Is Anthony hard up for money?
Spin 6: Malsingmaps delete posts to hide their guilt
Spin 5: Malsingmaps reversed engineered KL, PRK, N...
Spin 4: Malsingmaps copied maps from Malfreemaps
Spin 3: Mappers at Malsingmaps are making money
Spin 2: Mappers own the maps
Spin 1: Garmin compiled Malsingmaps will not be fr...
Bull Cutter
Fletcher Reede
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Help 5: Translation of website content to Mandarin
A reader has requested for a translation of this website's content in Mandarin. Please help translate and email to
. Thank you.
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