Anthony Yong has been kind enough to divulge his contract with M3Tech on his website at
Now we know why the last licensing deal at Malsingmaps did not go through. It was meant to benefit the Malsingmaps community but Anthony Yong prevented it from happening by vetoing the decision of the whole community which supported the deal. Why? Is it because if only one person was to benefit from this endeavour monetarily it would make it less complicated to disburse the money? Does Anthony Yong think it is enough that the community gets the free maps while ONLY HE gets paid RM5,000 a month just to attend one meeting a week plus the dividends from the profit of that company? It stinks to high heaven when everyone poured their blood and sweat to make the maps better. It is similar to the high bonuses and golden parachutes that CEOs of conglomerates receive while ordinary mappers and trackers enjoy their free one-meal-a-day maps. Its the same capitalism philosophy that brought down the world economy to its knees today.
ps What about other mappers at Malfreemaps? Are they making money over there too?